Reproductive Rights

Thanks to voters, abortion rights advocates and progressive lawmakers, Colorado does not have some of the most common abortion restrictions seen in other states. We do not have mandatory waiting periods, ultrasound requirements, arbitrary gestational limits, or restrictions on what types of safe abortion procedures medical providers can offer patients. Colorado does, however, have a few abortion restrictions that prevent many from accessing care — especially young people, Coloradans with public health insurance coverage, and our neighbors held in jails and prisons.

HB-1279 - Reproductive Health Equity Act

In 2022, the Colorado Legislature passed HB-1279 - Reproductive Health Equity Act (RHEA).

Under RHEA, reproductive health care is essential to every individual making their own decisions about what’s best for themselves and their family — including whether to get an abortion, in consultation with their health care providers. 

Under this new law:

  • Every individual has the fundamental right to choose or refuse contraception; 
  • Every individual who becomes pregnant has a fundamental right to choose to continue a pregnancy and give birth or to have an abortion; and 
  • A fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus does not have independent rights under the laws of the state.

Your reproductive rights in Colorado

The biggest barrier to abortion access in Colorado is a state constitutional amendment that prohibits the use of public funds for abortion care. This means that Coloradans who get their health insurance through a government employer, those with state Medicaid coverage, and those who are detained in a state correctional facility cannot rely on their health insurance to cover any portion of the cost of abortion care. They must pay for the entire cost of care themselves or seek the financial assistance of a local or national abortion fund.

Colorado also restricts abortion access by requiring young people under the age of 18 to notify a parent or guardian before accessing care. (Note: the law requires parental notification only — not consent). Only a judge can waive this parental notification requirement. In reality, most young people choose to involve a parent without a legal mandate. Those who don’t may fear for their safety at home. Colorado’s parental notification requirement makes it harder for the most vulnerable teens to access the care they need.

Despite these obstacles to abortion access, most Coloradans believe that everyone should have access to the full range of reproductive healthcare — including abortion — and the freedom to make their own healthcare decisions free from political interference.

Resources and information


  • Download this card and keep it handy to reference your reproductive rights